Parenting Today’s Fathers

Parenting : Today’s Fathers

Are fathers playing a greater role in parenting today?
Today’s fathers appear to be playing a more active role in parenting than their predecessors. Traditionally, in my culture, raising the child has been viewed as the responsibility of the mother. The father’s role was more in the domain of provider, supporter and disciplinarian. Hence, the father would provide the needs of the family, support the mother in decisions with respect to the welfare of the children and administer punishment when necessary.
The role of the mother was particularly burdensome with respect to infants and younger children who required more of her time and attention. While the father slept it was the mother’s duty to wake in the night when the baby was ill, hungry or just plain naughty; it was the mother who had to take the infant to the district medical clinic/hospital for checkups, shots etc. and even if the father happened to be present, it was the mother who carried the baby or pushed the baby’s pram. This was an awesome responsibility, yet mother did it all in conjunction with her other domestic duties.
Society has evolved and present day fathers appear to have shed the old notion that rearing the child is the duty of the mother. They now appear to be more actively involved in the rearing of their children from infancy right up to adolescence. Fathers, even the young unmarried ones, are now seen accompanying their wives/partners and their children to church, health care facilities, PTA meetings and social events among others and truly playing their part in carrying the baby, tending to the toddlers and dealing with their needs. This shift in attitude has fostered a closer relationship between fathers and their children. Consequently, today’s children no longer see their father solely as provider and disciplinarian – the one who brings in the money and wields the strap or rod of correction – because the fathers have become an active presence in their growing up.
One might ask what has brought about this change in behavior on the part of fathers and the corresponding altered perception on the part of society. I would venture to say that the increasing emergence of the woman in all areas of society has made it imperative that fathers share in the responsibilities of family life starting with the rearing of their children and going into the hungry shark world hack tool other areas such as cooking and house chores. Today’s woman now shares the role of breadwinner with her husband/partner. Certainly, women are out of the house for long hours; often, as long if not longer hours than the men. The career woman carries work home and might find herself encumbered to the extent that she is unable to devote as much time as is needed for family responsibilities. Also, the woman who is pursuing professional development by working and studying will need 100% support from her husband/partner in taking some of hungry shark world hack the domestic responsibilities off her and important in that is looking after the children in the home, taking them to and from the baby sitter or school, taking them to the hospital, hungry shark world hack the playground and other places.
Society continues to evolve and in this regard fathers have certainly stepped up to the plate in sharing in the responsibility of raising their children. Therefore, not only are mothers provided with necessary support, but today’s children also experience a closer bond with their fathers than in the past. The benefits to the family are unmeasurable and this can only auger well for society.