What The Heck Is Wrong With Her

What the Heck Is Wrong with Her?

I had learned to cringe when I heard the word September. This response was constantly reinforced by friends and family who knew my history of repeated calamities, mostly in September. Some of them seemed to relish asking the rhetorical question, “What’s it going to be this year?” They knew it was coming and waited with expectation for the continuing drama.
I’m not sure exactly when it started, only that one day, we connected the dots and saw that September meant I would be going to the hospital. The first time may have been when I was a teenager and worked at a summer camp. I had gone to the infirmary with back pain. The nurse gave me someone else’s prescription medicine, and I had a drug reaction and couldn’t breathe. They rushed me to the emergency room.
Then there was the time I was horseback riding with a friend. She started having trouble, and we decided to switch horses. As I landed in the saddle, the horse started backing into some tall weeds. I was about to find out there was a section of barbed wire fence camouflaged by the weeds. What happened next wasn’t pleasant, and once again, I headed off to the emergency room.
I got over that incident, but not over my love of horses. I lived to be around them and spent a lot of time riding around the summer camp where I worked as a teenager. One day, I volunteered to ride out through the fields to check on something for an outside contractor. I bridled a horse and jumped on bareback. It was one of those beautiful days that people dream about for their outdoor activities. I wanted to be on a horse, feeling the wind in my hair and the sun on my face as I moved along, looking at the clouds overhead. Unfortunately, that is exactly what I was doing as I rode along a dirt road that had been cut through some corn fields. We kicked up some pheasants, and with a great commotion, my horse jumped for the sky. Suddenly, I was feeling air instead of horse and somehow caught a hoof as we landed. Once again, I was off to the emergency room.
Each http://www.gratisclashofclanshack.nl/clashofclanshack/ experience caused more and more people to inquire, “What is it going to be this September?” I’m sure they were also thinking, “What the heck is wrong with her?”
Ever since my childhood, I had loved to think about life and attempt to solve its mysteries. That interest was sparked when I first heard my mom tell a story about her twin sister, who had died of heart failure at 11. Mom had gone to the grocery store with a friend when suddenly she stopped what she was doing and said, “I have to get home.” She turned toward home and ran all the way. Shortly after walking through the door, her sister died.
I begged my mom to tell the story over and over again, hoping to satisfy my desire to know what caused her to run home. The answer was always the same. Something told her to get home. She just knew she had to.
Because of my insatiable hunger to learn more about how this could be possible, I read, studied, and listened. I discovered that everything is made up of energy and that all energy has a frequency. Think about a radio: you push a button on a box in your car and hear the weather report. How does that happen? Information is carried on electromagnetic waves. You don’t see them, but frequencies are all around you. They are also received by and emitted from you. We now have the technology to prove that as fact.
I heard versions of the same message over and over again, and here’s what it boils down to: what we think, believe, and expect becomes our reality. Our thoughts are things that cause a different physiological response that corresponds to the emotion we are feeling at the time. The frequency of joy and expectation of good creates a much different frequency than the feeling of fear or lack of self-confidence. The frequency created carries a message out into the world. That frequency attracts back to us what we send out as belief and expectation. It is called the Law of Attraction.
When it finally sunk in, I got mad at myself for allowing this expectation of disaster every September into my thoughts. When it hit me, I slammed my fist down and said, “No more!” I made a decision to change the way I thought about things. I made a proclamation that next September, I would find myself in perfect health, accident-free, and full of thoughts of hope and expectations of good.
I changed my thoughts; I refused to be around anyone who even wanted to kid me about accidents. I constantly said things like “cancel” check here when a thought hit me that allowed the “September Phenomena” to be a part of my conscious thoughts. I removed the title and insisted that my thoughts of September be filled with anticipation of the beautiful fall colors and all the fun activities associated with fall and winter.
An amazing thing happened. My “September Phenomena” stopped! I never had another horse accident or went to the hospital again. I had linecookierunhackcheat.com/linecookierunhack/ made a conscious decision to change my thoughts in order to change what was happening in my world, and it worked!
I was beside myself with excitement. I had made a decision and followed through by removing myself from people and situations that weren’t supportive. I made the effort to become very conscious of my thoughts and expectations. That was easier than going through all the stitches, aches, and pains I had endured. I was really on to something.
Next came the rude awakening. I couldn’t get it to work consistently. I used the same techniques on many things; some worked, and others didn’t. I struggled for years to understand why all the affirmations, visualizations, determination, and expectations in the world didn’t seem to make a difference in some situations. While I was able to attract some of my goals, some things, very important to me, just wouldn’t materialize.
My research led to fascinating new discoveries about cellular memories and a new understanding of how the brain works. Then I began to understand the concept that perception is reality. I began to understand that a vast amount of information is being processed very rapidly at the subconscious level. These data, both new and what have been stored from past experiences, are referenced to give meaning to what is happening moment by moment. Activated cellular memories from the past reinforce beliefs and expectations of the future. You will continue to attract what you believe about yourself at that cellular level. That information is running the show. If you allow yourself to run on autopilot, you will constantly recreate the past or what you do not want. What you think about, believe, and expect becomes your reality. You must be aware of your thoughts, correct misinformation, and spend time creating the future you desire.
The important thing is to take the necessary steps to change the part of your story that causes you to be unhappy or unfulfilled. That will allow you to attract and then live the life of your dreams.
What do you think about most of the time and expect to happen today, tomorrow, and in the future?
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