National Treasure 3 Confirmed For Disney

NATIONAL TREASURE 3 Confirmed for Disney

One last piece of information to spread out of Walt Disney’s exhibitor convention from the Kodak theater yesterday. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer and star Nicolas Cage officially confirmed that they’re developing the third installment of their National Treasure franchise. Again, we’ve known from previous reports that a third film is pretty much a “go” from all parties involved but it was one of the announcements at the conference so I’m passing it along here.

No story details were revealed but Nic Cage has hinted in previous interviews that he would like to see the players involved leading a more “Global” adventure in the third installment. The president asked Ben Gates to check out a certain page in the book, check more a possible set up for the next installment.

The first installment grossed $347.5 million worldwide in 2004 and the second grabbed another $457.3 million worldwide from a December 2007 launch. Combined, Disney has accumulated $804.8 million from their first two films.

You and me both! I dont blame Nic Cage for wanting to do another NT. I mean , you cant really go wrong with these as far as mass appeal. His other flicks havent done too well, like Bangkok Dangerous. I think the dude needs to do more serious flicks, like Adaptation. He was great in that and Matchstick Men, Weather Man. He is no longer the long haired badass he was in Con Air or Face Off.

Didnt they say that this last National Treasure had a more “global feel” to it already? They also cant keep calling it “National” Treasure if they go traipsing around the world. Just call it “International Treasure”.