Tag Archives: Blood

Normal Blood Sugar Levels Diabetes

Normal blood sugar levels (also known as blood glucose levels) depend on a variety of considerations. The normal range for blood glucose is considered to be between 80 and 100; however, blood sugar levels fluctuate through the day depending on when and what more information you eat, how much exercise you take and your level of stress. Ideal blood sugar levels also vary from individual to individual depending on whether you are prediabetic, diabetic or watching your blood sugar levels closely as a preventive measure. After taking all these factors into consideration, your doctor will be in the best position to recommend the ideal level to aim for.

The largest influence on your blood gluse level will be the time you last ate. You can expect your blood sugar to rise in the 2 hours following a meal and then it will begin to decrease, reducing to a normal level. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, blood sugar should be less than 180 following a meal, and should not be above 120 before you eat.

Foods that contain refined and/or high in sugar tend to cause a blood sugar level spike i.e. your blood glucose levels will increase very quickly. This is dangerous for a diabetic, and tends to cause a rush of energy followed by a crash which can leave you feeling tired drained. It is important to have food choices that provide a sustained release of energy which cause a steadier increase in blood sugar. Good food choices include whole grains, lean protein (such as fish, chicken and tofu) racingrivalshackcheatss.net/racingrivalshack/ and fresh fruit and vegetables. If your blood sugar levels increase too quickly after you eat, it is likely to be a sign that your diet is high in sugar and/or visit more information refined carbohydrates. It is possible to decrease blood sugar levels simply by making better food choices, and may also be helped by a regular program of http://www.racingrivalshackcheatss.net/racingrivalshack/ exercise.

If you can keep your blood sugar levels within healthy limits you will reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Regular exercise also helps regulate blood sugar levels and may also reduce blood pressure. You do not need to visit a gym to get exercise, nor does it need to be too arduous. A daily brisk walk for around 20 minutes or more can lower your levels of blood glucose and may help with lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure and high blood sugar often go hand in hand.

Successfully dealing with high blood pressure and high blood sugar will reduce the risk of heart disease. Regular daily exercise in conjunction with a well balanced diet rich in whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables is an effective way to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol, and will lead to better health, fitness and overall well being.
It is important to understand that diabetes can also be hereditary. If you are at risk you should be tested regularly and should maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet to minimize the risk.