Tag Archives: Buck

Trophy Buck Secrets

Deer hunting has always been a way of life in my family. I grew up in Iowa where the corn fed deer always seemed to be just around the bend. When I married my husband and moved to Minnesota I thought we had entered into a deer production factory. I couldn’t believe the size of some of the monster bucks we came across. But, somehow I didn’t seem to be able to bag a big one.

Now remember I have been hunting since I could walk and for me to sit by and watch the biggest of the bigs walk right under my stand and then suddenly vaporize into mid air was something I just couldn’t handle. I figured I was losing my touch or that it was the difference in Iowa deer from Minnesota deer.

My husband teased me incentantly about my inability to get a trophy read more buck. He on the other hand was struggling a bit but still managed to bag one every year. I was so unsure of myself I didn’t even want to consider going back into the woods last season. I was just flabergasted as to why I wasn’t getting monster bucks like all of our buddies.

We have always been “organic” hunters, we don’t bait, we don’t try to do anything to lure the deer our way. Our hunting location is very secluded and there have actually been several world record bucks taken from this remote location. So I was in a tizzy over why I was the one not www.8ballpoolhackcheat.com/8ballpoolhack/ getting the record breaker.

I decided to secretly go online to look for some sort of tips or tricks I could use without my husband knowing it, something that I could pretend I came up with on my own. I was going to be real sneaky, well I came across a site that caught my eye very quickly. I read through the first page and thought, hey this guy sounds like he might actually know something. So I took the plunge, and holy man, was I shocked. I thought I knew pretty much everything about deer hunting. Wrong! After going through this entire manual I realized I was basically a non-hunter, so now I had to make the decision of whether or not to share this info with my husband. At first I didn’t, then when I realized that this really could benefit him as well, I gave in and had him go over all of the wonderful information. He was also shocked, again thinking he was a master deer hunter. I thought he would be a little put out that I went elsewhere for infomation on deer hunting, but he was actually please as punch when he learned a ton of stuff he didin’t even have a clue about. This in turn boombeachhackss.com/boombeachhack/ made me a very happy camper. we couldn’t wait for the season to start and when it did we put all of our new knowledge into play and WHAMO first day I bagged an 10 point bad boy that went down like a ton of bricks. My husband share this site got and even nicer 10 pointer on the 3rd day in, he hesitantly thanked me, only because his trophy buck didn’t come through until day 3, he thought it should be day 1, but we were like kids in a candy store by the end of our season and everyone in our party were able to get their tags filled with big ones as well.

I am so glad I took the secretive plunge and found this great manual, if you are looking for an advantage over your hunting buddies, I suggest you go check out this great manual, trust me when the king of all kings walks straight under you stand, you will be thanking me.
Good Luck and Safe Hunting