Tag Archives: Creating

Are You Creating Greatness

Are you creating Greatness?

One of the political slogans of 2016 is
“Make America Great”. But, how do you make a country great?
Who makes the country pokemon go hack 2017 great? What makes a country great? When and Why? And HOW? These are the questions school teachers ask students all the time, and we adults have to do the same.
As I see it, a country is what its citizens make it. And, your life is what you make it.
So… are you creating Greatness? Are you a leader in your life?
Or are you enjoying mediocrity, being one of the crowd, faking your joy and satisfaction?
Creating greatness is not about putting on a pin that says “I’m Great”, nor of appearing on a magazine cover, nor of getting your “5 minutes of fame”. Creating greatness is about achieving success without destroying anyone or anything. Oh, we hear about great generals who destroyed an enemy, but what did they build? What did they leave for others to pursue and so achieve even higher states of greatness?
Genghis Khan and his troops might have destroyed half of the known world, but he also brought many peoples together and made them cooperate. He had a dream that, though violent, created a greater society, and when that society fell apart, the pieces were stronger and more capable. Similarly, we measure great religious figures not by the sage itself, but by the results of their message and what they built.
History does not really care if they were popular or rich while they were alive: history looks at what they left behind. And we, as individuals, should strive for all the greatness our dreams can hold. Just think of your childhood dreams. Most children dream of being a hero or heroine, and yes: a people of heroes does achieve greatness. We still remember the ancient Amazons, Spartans and other communities who individually pursued violence as an art, having heroes and heroines that were warriors. But, were they Great, as we define the term?
Some of them probably were, but they probably also had a good amount of “do as you are told” people, who didn’t chase their dreams and just limited themselves to doing the minimum necessary for survival and a little extra.
But I want you to assume your greatness and to manifest it. It does not matter if we don’t make the history books as long as we achieve all the success we are able to. And, if we are part of a community where everyone is working at being successful, our community hungry shark world hack tool can strive for greatness and achieve it.
So, let me answer the questions the teacher read more would ask:
What is Greatness that we can create? Is it in achieving everything I, you, and we want from life and our surroundings? Or is it on what our neighbors think of us? I’d say it is in ourselves.
Where is Greatness created ? Is it created in everything constructive I do, and everything that we all strive for when we think of positive success? Or is it in destroying lives and places? I’d say it is in building up, not tearing down.
When is Greatness created? Now or somewhere in the future? I might dream of being great tomorrow, or having been great yesterday, but I’d say the future starts now and that the question is whether I am acting great now!
Who creates Greatness? The media? Hollywood? Ballywood? Armies? Or do we all? I’d say I do… You do… We all do… Of course, some of us don’t create greatness every day and just coast along, enjoying successes from the past, and it’s OK: It is our choice.
How do we create Greatness? By going to “I am great” training? Well, I’d suggest greatness is created by chasing our constructive dreams, those that bring joy to our hearts and working towards achieving them and being successful. Dare to be a great musician, artist, engineer, teacher, parent, child, gamer, etc.! Be a great person yourself!
Be great yourself! It is better than sitting around complaining about everything, and focusing on what you don’t like. I know: I’ve been there, trying to find answers on the TV, in a a bar, everywhere except in my life. Just imagine yourself chasing the greatness you pokemon go cheats tool would like, and if it is legal and positive just start moving in that direction.
If you need help, look for a coach, tutor,or a mentor. Athletes, actors, musicians, students and even network marketers base their success and achievements on using mentors, trainers, tutors and coaches to help them learn, so why can’t you? Just as there are athletic coaches and trainers, there are life, professional, success, and other specialty coaches available to help you achieve success.
But how? When? Where? Who? Well, I’d say you can find your own answers, and should. Greatness belongs to people who decide and act on their decisions, not to people who fake it.
So, are you creating Greatness, or fakeness?
Manny Perez, MPA, CAMS, entrepreneur and professional coach.

Are You A Genuis Trapped In Your Own Mind 3 Tips For Creating Killer Blog Content

Are You A Genuis Trapped In Your Own Mind? 3 Tips For Creating Killer Blog Content

Are you having trouble trying to come up with great blog content? Not quite sure what to say or what to write about? If so, relax. That’s perfectly normal. Most every consistent blogger deals with this issue on a daily basis.

On the other hand, you may be the brightest, smartest, most unique person in the world. If you are, congratulations…..And you may have the best ideas for business, personal growth, relationships, money, finances more so than anybody else…..If so, congratulations again…..I am envious….

But, if you are the brightest, smartest, most unique person in the world, and traffic racer hack cheats you fail to share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions with the world or anyone for that matter, then you are like a GENUIS TRAPPED IN YOUR OWN MIND!….Probably a great trip for you, but if you can’t share it then its almost worthless. Agree?…

I know when I first started blogging that I had the ‘blog block’ syndrome that most writers have. The ‘ole ‘writers block’ exists in almost everyone. And I am far from the smartest, brightest, most unique person on this planet. I’m just a regular Joe just like most other people.

These 3 tips below hungry shark world hack android sure did help me out when ‘writer’s block’ set in. Let me www.steamwalletcodesgenerators.com/steamwalletcodes/ help you out so you can create better, if not unlimited BLOG content…

3 questions I always ask myself before a BLOG post:

Question 1 – Ask yourself this question. “Can I predict what’s going to happen in my niche?”…or, “What do I see happening in my niche in the next few weeks, months, years?” For example, if you are in the weight loss niche, and you see a new diet pill or workout program or MLM program coming down the path, then you may want to let the world know.

This is great content for you to post. Why? Because it lets people know you, better understand you, and either agree with you or disagree with you. That’s important in the whole realm of ‘KNOW, LIKE & TRUST’ that is the motto of the online marketing world.

You see, when your readers know, like and trust your writing style, then whether they agree or disagree with your position is not really important. They are engaged is what’s important. You can’t control their opinion anyway. NEUTRALITY IS BORING…..POLARITY IS EXCITING…take a stand and there will be a reaction, whether positive or negative, but nonetheless, a reaction….

Question 2 – If you can see what’s going to happen or have a prediction in your niche, Can you relate your prediction to a current event?….This is so important because it resonates with people as to what’s goin on in the world, especially THEIR world…Prime Example here, “OBAMACARE”. Whether you are pro or con, trafficracerhackcheats.com/trafficracerhack/ its is very controversial….

When you can bring your prediction in your niche to a relevant current event then your readers will become engaged.

Question 3 – Is my content entertaining and does it add value? “Entertain first then Educate”…..don’t worry about proper format, tags, meta tags, correct formatting of blog posts, etc….I’m a firm believer that if you have something to say, and it provides value to others, then it will find them…..The needle in the haystack is always found, eventually….