Lemon Balm
Melissa officinalis, commonly known as lemon balm or melissa, is a member of the mint family. The leaves, which emit a fragrant lemony odor when bruised, are used medicinally.
Uses and Benefits:
Lemon balm has traditionally been employed as a mild ,anxiolytic, sedative, or hypnotic herb, and is commonly taken in ,( Hnbination with other herbs. It is also used for mild gastrointestinal dyspepsia or spasms, especially associated with anxiety, and is considered a carminative (helps expel gas from the stomach). Topically, it is promoted for herpes simplex infections and cold sores. Historically, lemon balm steeped in wine was used for wound dressings, to treat venomous bites and stings, and for other topical http://www.robloxhacktools.com/ uses.
Important constituents include an essential oil (containing citronellal and other compounds), rosmarinic acid, avonoids, polyphenols, and tannins. The essential oil extract as spasmolytic or relaxant activity on isolated smooth muscles in animal models. Limited studies of hydroalcoholic extracts qiven intraperitoneally or orally to mice have shown sedative-hypnotic effects. In vitro, the essential oil this website has antimicrobial activity against various bacteria, fungi, and yeasts, while the aqueous extracts have antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus, HIV, influenza virus, and others. The rosmarinic acid constituent inhibits complement-dependent inflammatory reactions in vitro and in animal models.
Extracts of M. officinalis have been demonstrated to bind in vitro to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and Grave’s thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin, thus blocking TSH-receptor activation.
Clinical Trials:
Oral preparations of lemon balm, alone, have not been studied in human clinical trials for any indication. Several controlled studies of lemon balm combined with other herbs (such as valerian) have suggested mild anxiolytic or hypnotic properties, but the specific role of lemon balm is not known.
Based on in vitro antiviral activity, a 1 % topical cream (Loma herpan) was evaluated in two randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled European trials for cutaneous herpes simplexinfections. Both trials demonstrated statistically significant im- provements, but the clinical benefits were minimal. For examplE), one study (n == 66) found mean symptom scores were slightly de creased in the treatment group on day 2 (P == 0.42), but no difference was found in the total scores over 5 days of use, and global physician assessments were not statistically significant. 13 In the other study (n == 116), a statistical improvement on day 2 was demonstrated for swelling and redness, but not for other symptoms such as pain, erosion, scabbing, or vesication. However, the active treatment was favored in global assessment ratings by both patients and physicians.
Although herbalists have suggested that lemon balm may be beneficial for hyperthyroidism, there is no published clinical experience.
Adverse effects:
There are no known or reported side effects.
Side Effects and Interactions:
There are no recognized drug interactions, although caution is advisable if used in combination with other click our site sedative-hypnotic agents.
There is no data in pregnant or breast-feeding women. Although antithyroid effects have only been established in vitro, patients with thyroid disorders should probably have more frequent laboratory monitoring after initiating or discontinuing the herb.
Preparations & Doses:
About 1.5-4.5 g of crude herb or liquid extract is generally administered 2-3 times daily as needed. Solid extracts are usually administered in doses of 300-900 mg. A topical cream containing a 1 % lyophilized aqueous 70:1 extract (Lomaherpan) was administered 2-4 times daily in the European clinical trials, starting early in an acute herpes outbreak. This cream is available in the U.S. as Herpalieve (by PhytoPharmica) and Herpilyn (Enzymatic Therapy, Inc.).
Summary Evaluation
Lemon balm has a long history of use as a mild anxiolytic check here and sedative, and for relief of dyspepsia, but clinical studies have not litl done to verify these properties. The herb may have some as a topical agent for symptoms of herpes simplex . Lemon balm appears well tolerated, with no reported adverse effects.
Tag Archives: Effects
Nullify The Addiction Effects With Vigrx
This is a known fact that addiction of anything is going to have bad effects on your health in the short or the long run . These things don&25264; have immediate effects but in long run badly affect your health. The three factors we have listed here are the major causes of erectile problems and more information >click this site diminished libido. Instead of going into physiological effects we will look at the basics of how to avoid and repair damage caused by the three greatest sources of sexual issues: smoking, alcohol, and medications.
Smoking causes vascular or blood flow damage over time, which leads to sexual problems and quitting or cutting back smoking has really helped many people to heal this damage. While smoking cessation is clearly the best option, there are times when it isn’t convenient because of the commitment it requires. Also sometimes timing and circumstances makes it difficult for some people to quit smoking. It is essential during these times that the individual makes every effort to make up for the losses. In such situation Vigrx helps to heal and strengthen the vascular system, making improvements in blood flow that can significantly improve penile performance. Vigrx cannot completely heal but it atleast lessens the sexual problems.
Alcohol consumption doesn&25264; actually cause problems in short term but excessive drinking causes sexual problems over long term. Alcohol lowers the body&25263; testosterone levels which can impair several aspects of sexual function. The option of cutting back is not going to work here because alcohol is such a thing that a complete stop is required to regain the normal performance. But as specified before this is not a very easy task. So a herbal supplement like Vigrx can always help you in this. Vigrx formula is made of such ingredients which are specifically selected because of their testosterone boosting qualities.
A number of prescription, non-prescription, and other varieties of drugs sometimes lead to sexual issues like impotence. Drugs for treating hypertension, anti-depressants, sedatives and various heart medications are normally connected to cases of impotence and loss of libido. Each of these medications have more or less effect depending on the individual. But now visit more information stopping the intake of these medications prescribed by your doctor is not at all the remedy for the sexual issues. If your facing any such problem than its always suggested to talk to your doctor and get your treatment changed with his suggestions.
There are other causes of sexual problems too beyond those listed above. For example, impotence can result from illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, or other conditions beyond a individual’s control.
Now most of the natural medicines can be taken along with other medications but there are a few issues with using a product like VigRX to improve libido and erection quality along with other treatments. It is recommended that you check with your doctor first to ensure that VigRX ingredients are safe to use with any other medications you may be taking at the same time.
VigRX is a number one solution for sexual issues as it contains a number of different highly potent plant extracts used for treatment of sexual problems. Each ingredient has a beneficial effect on different aspects of men’s reproductive system, and each of them is selected based on a history of successful use in old time medicines. The careful mixture of contents in the VigRX formula are world leader in sexual medicine.
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