In order to obtain the Australian citizenship an applicant must take the citizenship test. The Australian citizenship test plays a vital role in both encouraging people to find out more about Australia, as well as understanding the responsibilities and privileges that an Australian citizen enjoys. All the information you need this website to pass the test is more information in the test resource book becoming an Australian Citizen.
You can sit the test as many times as you need to, until you pass. Failing the citizenship test does not affect your permanent residence visa or your eligibility to continue to live in Australia. As there are no child care facilities at the test centers, the test taker must make sure someone else can mind their children while the test takers appear the test.
The test is normally computer based. You can be shown how to use the computer if you have not used a computer before. Sometimes the test may be taken on paper if a computer is not available. The test is in English. It consists of 20 multiple choice questions. The test includes three mandatory questions based on the responsibilities of Australian citizenship Finally; it has a pass mark of 60 per cent including correctly answering all three mandatory questions.
There will not be a separate English language test. You will need a basic understanding of English to pass the test. Once you have finished the test, the computer will immediately tell you whether you have passed. If you have not passed, you can choose to take the test again. Wherever possible, you will be allowed to sit the test again on the same day. Otherwise, you may apply for an appointment to sit the test at another time. If you do a paper test, the results are not available immediately.
Most people, nearly 95 per cent pass the click more details test on their first or second try. If you pass the test and are eligible for citizenship on the day, you can apply for Australian citizenship immediately. The department encourages you to bring your completed citizenship application form with all supporting documents with you to the test.
From 1 October 2007, people who satisfy the general eligibility criteria are required to pass a test before applying for citizenship. People who apply must: have passed a test, be aged 18 years or over at the time the application is made, be a permanent resident at the time of application, and also, at time of decision, satisfy the residence requirement, be likely to reside, or to continue to reside, in Australia or to maintain a close and continuing association with Australia and be of good character.
You are not required to pass a test if you: are aged check more under 18 years, or are aged 60 years or over, or suffer from a permanent loss or substantial impairment of hearing, speech or sight, or have a permanent physical or mental incapacity that means you are not capable of understanding the nature of the application. You will need to meet certain eligibility requirements before applying.
The following people are not required to sit a citizenship test but will need to meet the eligibility requirements below before applying for citizenship by conferral. People under 16 years of age should: be a Australian permanent resident, and be living with a responsible parent who is an Australian citizen and who consents to the application.
If the person applying is living with a responsible parent who is not an Australian citizen, the person needs to demonstrate that he/she would suffer significant hardship or disadvantage if he/she did not become an Australian citizen. People aged 16 and 17 years should: be a permanent resident at the time of application, and also, at time of decision, satisfy the residence requirement, have a basic knowledge of the English language, have an adequate knowledge of the privileges and responsibilities of Australian citizenship, understand the nature of the application, and intend to reside, or to continue to reside, in Australia or to maintain a close and continuing association with Australia.