Tag Archives: Luminosity

The Luminosity Of Your Sparkling Soul

The Luminosity of Your “Sparkling Soul”

The Luminosity of Your “Sparkling Soul”
Perhaps you, like many, have heard the old familiar proverb that “The eyes are the window to the soul” which is really nothing new; however, I am taking it one step further to say that the heart must then be the doorway. Since we are living during this age of ascension and fast paced change, this means that now is the time for you to Open up your door! We need everyone to be at their highest capacity for co-creation as a universal community. More importantly, however, triviacrackhackcheatss.com/triviacrackcheats/ is that you may live in joy by honoring your heart! It is waiting for you to do this too!
The eyes have a power to speak in their own special ways; I know that you too would agree. It’s very easy to see a whole spectrum of emotion when you look closely into someone’s eyes; just to name a few, sadness, anger, visit here fear, happiness, excitement and love!
I find it is fascinating to hear about all the metaphors that capture the multiplicity of the eyes’ diverse meanings. Take this moment to be your own eye witness to some of the common adages that we’ve all heard: One of the older ones is that beauty is truly in the “eye” of the beholder. This we all know to be true. However, be careful because some sights may be regarded as “eyesores” whereas others may be “eye-candy”. For those that are seeking revenge is the not so nice one, “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”! Of course at some time in our lives we all relate to those amazing “Eye-Opening” experiences! That really puts things into their proper perspective. Keep in mind that you can also use your “third eye” to tap into your intuition as needed. Then when you’re feeling so delighted you may actually have that so-called twinkle in your eye! Remember that this is what I refer to as your “Sparkling Soul” that puts that twinkle in your eye. The luminous light comes through!
The eyes may be regarded as essential translators between your insides and the outside world. We all know that the eyes are of the primary senses by which we perceive our environment. They receive messages and imprints that get carried to our brains which tell us what our current reality is. Particularly those who are visual learners significantly rely on what they see. Perhaps it’s plain to see that our eyes will selectively filter what they choose and choose not to see. As our eyes scan to filter through our surroundings, they clearly remind us what our focus of attention is. The beauty of this experience is that when we clearly tune into our focus, we learn a great deal about ourselves this way. We take full cognizance of what it is that we attend to on a regular basis as we create new pathways dragon mania legends hack ios to bring it into full view. New awareness is always evolving. This is so important because it reveals our personal inclination and habits that determine how we feel, what we see, what we think and what we do!
Here is the part about our hearts! Our hearts hold the desires of our soul and inform us by how we feel. So given this truth, our heart is really so much more than just a doorway. Our heart holds the luminosity and essence of our Sparkling Soul. This is that sacred energy that sparks our every thought and feeling and action. This luminosity is your source that shines your unique rays of light out into the world. Our Sparkling Soul resides within us; however, it naturally emanates the truth of simply being in the world. We are all born with our Sparkling Souls that take us on our precious journeys. We cannot always understand why and how our journeys go a certain way! It goes without saying that we can get side-railed when life’s challenges and tasks seem to temporarily take over; however, find comfort in knowing that your Sparkling Soul is always with you regardless of what may be going on in/ around or outside your life.
Your heart’s inspiration will keep on speaking to you until you actually listen! Can you feel it? There’s no coincidence that we speak of “heart and soul” since they are really one and the same. How can you have one without the other? They are twin energies that come to life through you moment by moment. When you feel from your heart and soul, there is no fear. You were not born with fear in your heart and soul, therefore it cannot exist there. When you allow yourself to breathe into your dragon mania legends hack tool online heart and nurture its energy, it will nourish your soul’s quest.
Your heart is always looking out for the very best for your soul as your soul moves through your heart center. Your heart message comes from source; therefore, it will always tell you the truth. Your Sparkling Soul is your committed life force that is gifted to you and your heart’s inspiration.
In closing, I would like to leave you with this last thought: Please honor yourself by opening the door to your Sparkling Soul. Its luminosity sparkles great truth!