Tag Archives: Magical

Hair Plus Shampoo The Magical Claude Bell Beauty Product

“Hair Plus Shampoo” – The Magical Claude Bell Beauty Product

Hair Plus is a product introduced by Claude Bell Beauty. There was a vast discussion being pulled on the internet, which lead me to write this review and to hop in the wagon of analysts. I have been using this product since its beginning and also I have researched a lot to make this review worth a read and a direction for the new buyers. Like any other product, Hair plus and Claude Bell Beauty also has advantages with their disadvantages which will be discussed in all depths in this review.
First off, I have gathered all the advantages and disadvantages posted by click this site different users. Some of them complain that the product makes them lose their hair whereas others are claiming that they have felt a change and have ‘seen’ their hair grow. This leads us to the conclusion that it did not work the same for all of its users instead it had negative effect on some while it delivered what it promised to some. At first I was baffled but when I researched more I found that the actual problem is the way people use Hair plus Claude Bell Beauty.
I personally found the product very useful and my hair growth increased but not within days. I had to use the product for a month with a special periodic break to make the product work. Those who complaining for hair fall are the people who used Hair Plus every day unlike them I use it thrice every week i.e. with a one day gap after every another. My thoughts are quite practical because I think a product that makes people go bald could not last even a week in the market.
I followed many people and trailed them to find where they bought their product from. After a little research I found that some of the people posting negative reviews actually bought the product from a company named “Verseo” which is not the real seller and is not selling the real product. Googling a little helped me discover that Verseo had a deal with Claude Bell Beauty a decade ago which was totaled 10 years back. Since then Claude Bell Beauty has been trying to hold the fake products back by filing a court case. Thus no other site can be trusted but only the official one i.e. .
Another complaint that came from a good number of people was that the product dries their hair. It is because they are used to apply those shampoo mixtures that come with conditioners in them however Hair Plus is a shampoo only and using the Claude Bell Beauty conditioner with it actually makes my hair look shinier and softer. It just gives that soothing feel that I didn’t find in any other product. All in all, before buying this product there are three things to keep in mind:
* Buy the product from the official site only.
* Use it thrice a week no more, no less.
*Use a conditioner with it if your hair dries easily.