Tag Archives: Paper

A Quick Look At The Dahle 136 Guillotine 36 Paper Cutter

A Quick Look At The Dahle 136 Guillotine 36″ Paper Cutter

The Dahle 136 Guillotine 36″ paper cutter is heavy-duty unit is designed for cutting poster board, mat board, foam mounting board, and other mediums. share here The solingen steel blades are ground and tempered to exacting standards. The paper cutter’s self-adjusting clamping bar holds material securely to prevent slipping. The Dahle cutters feature lockable T-squares on the scale bar for accurate measurements and 90-degree angles. 1″ Grid for accurate measurements, Metal fan guard separates hand from blade, Patented beveled blade made of Solingen Steel is lockable to prevent unauthorized use. Cuts the following: Foil, Cardboard, Cardstock, Construction Paper, Foam Core, Illustration Board, Label Stock, Laminator Film, Paper, Photo Paper, Photographic Film, Plastic Films, Specialty Papers, Vellum.

Quick Overview

* Cuts up to 40 sheets of paper at a time
* Self-adjusting clamp holds material securely
* Lockable T-square guide assures accuracy
* Metal scale bar on top and bottom
* Perfect for cutting matboard and poster board

Additional Information

UPC 076769136007
Manufactured In: Germany
Manuf Part # 136
Model 136
Weight 95.0000
Dimensions 40 1/2″ x 34″
Shipping Weight 95
Expected Ship Date 1-3 Days
Warranty 1 Year limited warranty on manufacturing, materials and assembly
Max Cut Length 36″
Sheet Capacity 40
Guide Types Inches, Metric
Base Wood
Clamp Manual
Safety Shield Yes
Table Size 40 1/2″ x 34″
Blade Mechanism for Cutting Manual
Self Sharpening Blade Yes
Material Cut Ability Cardboard, Cardstock, Construction Paper, Foam Core, Foil, Illustration Board, Label Stock, Laminator Film, Paper, Photo Paper, Photographic Film, Plastic Films, Specialty Papers, Vellums

Whether you are interested in trimming a single sheet of paper or a stack of 700, Dahle paper cutters will give you the results you desire. Dahle blades have a self-sharpening precision graduated edge which http://www.spotifypremiumcodesgenerators.com/ gives you the ability shave the smallest piece from the edge of your visit our website paper. These results are achieved from over 75 years of cutting and sharpening experience.

When accuracy matters professionals prefer Dahle. Our German engineered trimmers feature a precision graduated, self-sharpening blade made of German Solingen steel. This blade cuts in either direction and maintains a perfectly honed edge every click this site time it’s used. Why trust your images with anything else? With over 75 years of experience, our products are designed to meet the strictest safety standards in both personal and professional grade products. You can have the peace of mind in knowing you are about to purchase a quality product that will provide many years of trouble free operation.

Paper Tigers Of Duality

Paper Tigers of Duality

Two prehistoric apes stand in the tall grass. One points a finger in a certain direction to alert the other to a crouching tiger that is about to prey on them, as if animal jam hack ios to say: “Watch out! Tiger!”
Language developed from the behavior of finger-pointing. Each word is an attempt to point to and to point out. The finger was the first “this” (if pointing something out) and the first “there” (if pointing to something). The finger was the first tongue. The finger was the first attempt to pivot somebody’s field of awareness to a focal point, to manipulate another’s vector of attention, to coordinate and share a point of view. Thus, communication was born.
But, as Buddhists say, the finger pointing to the moon isn’t the moon. The entire mind is a drop-down menu of verbal gestures that self-select – associatively, compulsively, reflexively, reactively, mechanically, robotically, and mostly unconsciously – in a jaw-dropping stimulus-response automaticity – in an attempt to name the Nameless. But no matter how many fingers we point at Reality, no matter how many words we use to describe it, a finger point at the moon isn’t the moon, a description isn’t that which is being described, and the word isn’t its referent.
No “this” ever equals that which it points to.
In essence, every word that exists, every category, every conception is just another “this” – another finger-point. Yes: geometry dash hacks each word – at its core – is a synonym of the word “this.” That’s why we can say, without any hint of contradiction, that “this is a car” (this = car) and “this is a truck” (this = truck) although “a car isn’t a truck” (car =/= truck); or that “this is a man” (this = man) and “this is a woman” (this = woman) although “a man isn’t a woman” (man =/= woman). This “this” is a semantic stem-cell that equals everything and nothing at the same time.
What is this “this?” As the pre- and post-historic apes turn their heads in the tall grass and over the suburban hedges, what turns, what pivots?
It seems as though we all stand amidst Self-centered fields of awareness, at a perpetual radius of Self-Other duality.
Any “this” – it seems – means “not me/not I.” Awareness is always other-directed and it is always a duality, a distinction between Self and Other. To be “aware of” we have to be “separate from.” After all, how can a center look at itself?! Indeed, any time we point a finger, we direct it away, from our Selves, towards not-our-Selves, to point to Something that we aren’t. Thus, any “this” (or any word for that matter) – at its core – means “not me/not I.”
Even the pronoun-word “I.”
So, as we stand in the tall-grass hungry shark world hack of first person perspectives, amidst these self-growth-hungry bamboo shoots of “I”, in the Self-centered fields of Other-directed-awareness, let us allow a possibility that what we fear is nothing more than a pack of paper tigers – nothing more and nothing less than the finger-pointing-gesture-dance of our own mental narratives…
All http://www.steamwalletcodesgenerators.com/steamwalletcodes/ fear is based on Self-Other distinctions. And all we fear is the distinctions that we make…
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Paper And Plastic Bags Effect On Global Warming

Paper And Plastic Bags Effect On Global Warming

Reusable grocery bags and reusable shopping bags are now becoming very popular in society today. Though most of us don’t realize it, manufacturing bags-plastic, compostable plastic and even paper bags-contributes significantly to global warming. Greenhouse gases are the result of emissions caused by burning fossil fuels during the production of plastic and paper bags. The greenhouse effect is caused when infrared radiations from the earth&25263; surface are prevented from escaping into the outer space. The consequence is global warming. A very important way to reduce the use of plastic bags is through the use of reusable grocery bags and reusable shopping bags. It is through the use of these reusable grocery bags that we are able to reduce the negative effects that paper and plastic bags have on the environment. Reusable shopping bags eliminates the need for many consumers to carry their purchased items in paper or plastic bags. When consumers show that they no longer want to use paper and plastic bags, there will be less of a demand for these bag manufacturers to produce so many of them. It is through the production of these bags that the environment is affected. When these manufacturers see the lowered demand for them because consumers are using reusable shopping bags and reusable grocery bags, they will lower how many they put into production.

Paper bags have the highest global warming impact per bag compared to other types of bags. According to the US EPA, 70% more global warming gasses are emitted making a paper bag than a plastic bag, and 50 times more water pollution. pokemon go cheats tool They also use 4 times more raw materials, and consume 3.5 times more energy. They also contribute to global warming by destroying trees. In 1999, the American Forest and Paper Association reported that Americans used 10 billion paper shopping bags, consuming 14 million trees. The check more use of reusable shopping bags and reusable grocery bags not only eliminates the need for paper and plastic bags, but they will lower the number of bags being produced. It is evident that the production of these bags has a major effect on the environment and people need to make a strong effort in their consumption of these paper and plastic bags.

Reusable Grocery Bags and Reusable shopping bags are a great way to do your part in the prevention of global warming. Global warming, or climate change, shows no signs of slowing down. Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The rate of warming is increasing. When you go shopping at your nearest retail outlet, make sure to bring your reusable shopping bags. The next time you go to the supermarket, you should bring your reusable grocery bags. The 20th century’s last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies. And the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850. The Arctic is feeling the effects the most. Average temperatures in Alaska, western Canada, and eastern Russia have risen at twice the global average, according to the multinational Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report compiled between 2000 and 2004. Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice free summer by 2040 or earlier. Polar bears and indigenous cultures are already suffering from the sea-ice loss. Glaciers and mountain snows are rapidly melting&26774;or example, Montana&25263; Glacier National Park now has only 27 glaciers, versus 150 in 1910. In the Northern Hemisphere, thaws also come a week earlier in spring and freezes begin a week later. Reusable grocery bags are a great way to hungry shark world cheats hack tool prevent the countless plastic bags from being manufactured, and it is partly through the production of these plastic bags that global warming is happening. http://www.steamwalletcodesgenerators.com/steamwalletcodes/ Reusable Grocery Bags and reusable shopping bags are a simple and effective way people can do their part in conserving the environment. Reusable grocery bags can be purchased and used at all supermarkets, while reusable shopping bags are great for any occasion when you are out shopping. Do your part in caring about the environment and saving the planet through the use of reusable shopping bags and reusable grocery bags.