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Gossip Girl Quiz When Will Blair And Chuck Say Those 3 Words, 8 Letters

Gossip Girl Quiz: When Will Blair And Chuck Say Those 3 Words, 8 Letters?

3 words, 8 letters. Say it and I&25254; yours.

He loves her and she clearly marvel contest of champions cheats adores him, but they are not together. She might be the girl of his dreams and he might be the only person she can rely on when things don&25264; go her way, but neither of them is willing to give in. Neither of them wants to be owned by the other.

Growing up in the same opulent circle of the Upper East Side Manhattan, Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass have never been new to thrill of getting what they want at any cost. Both share a strong friendship which wasn&25264; strained by the fact that Chuck has a bad reputation for being a morally bankrupt womanizer and that Blair is no less than manipulative and spoiled. With them ruling their circle with Blair as Queen Bee and Chuck as the resident bad boy, could love be anything less than complicated between these two?

Love is definitely not a boring boy-meets-girl, girl-hates-boy, and boy-marries-girl for Blair and Chuck. Just when you think they are actually having their sweetest onscreen confession, one of them would spoil the moment and drive away the other until their apparently good relationship goes kaput. It&25263; self-sabotage really. It is pretty obvious that all they want is to be with each other, but because of their flawed characters plagued by insecurities, they always end up in the arms of another. This endless cycle has everyone asking the biggest Gossip Girl quiz to date: When will Blair and Chuck quit these mind games they play on each other?

The Blossoming Romance

Blair and Chuck have known each other since they were little. Although at a young age, both had already shown callous attitudes as evidenced by underage drinking, sex, and bitching out, the two have constantly had each other&25263; back. This friendship was reinforced by Visit here the fact that Nate is Blair&25263; boyfriend and Chuck&25263; best friend. Eventually, Chuck started seeing Blair as someone that he could actually love for real. Fate had turned their friendship into a romantic affair. Hence, Chuck was marvel future fight hack torn between pursuing his love for Blair and choosing Nate&25263; friendship. Chuck was trying to control his amorous feelings for Blair, but as the old bards said, Love is strengthened by obstacles. He was relieved of his clandestine feelings for Blair when he deflowered her at the back of his limousine. That was the fateful when Blair ended his relationship with Nate and Chuck decided to cross the bounds of friendship with Blair and jeopardized his friendship with Nate. Inevitably, Nate could never accept such a feat, and had a huge ruckus with Chuck for stealing his girl.

To Make the Gossip Girl Quiz a Major Teaser?br />
The quiz goes on. Just when everything seems romantic and leading to a happy ending between the two, Blair came back to Nate and leaving Chuck hurt and deprived. Gossip Girl immediately caught on the quiz and rumors about the Chuck and Blair&25263; steamy night inside the limo spread like wildfire. With this, Blair was enraged even more and as expected, left their would-be romance hanging in a dangerous balance.

Then, there&25263; also the cliffhanger. Chuck and Blair were supposed to go on a couple&25263; trip to Tuscany when Chuck stood her up for another girl. That time, the last string on Blair&25263; nerve twitched. Instead of moping around, she went off wandering in the arms of some rich British royalty.

Seeing Blair with another man really wounded Chuck&25263; usually cold heart. He then sought comfort in the arms of other women, but found himself unable to make love and for the most part, feel anything with and for another woman other than Blair. He tried to deny it, but the embers of his feelings for the only woman he ever loved continue to spark.

Chuck always said that he only needs three things in life—money, sex and his best friend Nate—but now, he finally knew what he would ever need to survive. Blair is the only woman he&25251;l ever need, ever desire and ever love.

When can we unearth the answer to the biggest Gossip Girl quiz?

After a series of more mind games and trials, Chuck and Blair finally laid down their cards. Chuck told Blair that they have one very unique set up and that the chase is the one thing that makes what they have more special. He added that saying those 3 words, 8 letter (or in our words, I LOVE YOU) is hard for them to utter because neither of them wants to lose in the game they&25262;e playing. What makes saying it more difficult is the fact that they actually love each other. Deep in their hearts, they are afraid that those words might choke them into the usual boyfriend-and-girlfriend box that would obviously not do for them both. In the end, Chuck and Blair decided to take things slow to figure out what they really mean to each other.

Love is sweeter the second time around, but would it be the same for Chuck and Blair? Will we be there to witness how, piece by piece, they&25251;l mend their broken deadtrigger2hackcheats.com hearts in each other&25263; arms? Will we ever get to answer this Gossip Girl quiz? When will they finally cut the chase?

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