Tag Archives: Successful

Book Review Golden Anniversaries The Seven Secrets Of Successful Marriage

Book Review: Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage

This book review covers the topic of Love. Love encompasses a wide array of meanings, connections, and relationships which center on the emotions and experiences that create a sense of strong affection or profound oneness. Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz are the Official Guides to Love.
Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz have identified Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage as a valuable resource for people interested in Love, and it is available through Amazon.com.
Book Description
As a candid glimpse into the lives of successfully married couples, this book provides a uniquely positive perspective on what makes marriages survive and thrive. What you learn from this wonderfully unique and powerful book is that you can save, improve or enhance your marriage if you listen to the advice of couples with 15,000 years of collective wisdom. Using poignant, real life stories to uncover the Seven Secrets for Successful Marriage, this book captures the essence of more than 25 years of interviews with successfully married couples in the U.S.A. and around the world. And click this website you will love the results!
The central point of their research is that successful love and relationships are an accumulation of the little things. The little things matter! share here It isn’t enough to just think about the little things or just talk about the little things. You have to just DO the little things every day! That’s what makes love and relationships last! If you understand and implement the simple ideas presented in this book, you will be well on your way to having a successful and long-lasting marriage.
You cannot learn or understand success by studying failure. That’s a fact! Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz understood this notion more than 25 years ago when they began their research. By interviewing couples with successful marriages lasting from 30 to 60 years they learned a lot about successful marriage. They discovered the Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage by gathering data from hundreds of interviews with long-time happily married couples and their own extraordinarily successful 41-year marriage.
When you read their exceptional book you will understand that studying successful marriage is a prerequisite to understanding why most marriages succeed and some fail! This book gives you the power to make your marriage a success so you can celebrate your Golden Anniversaries together. Love well!
About the Authors
With 25 years of research experience on successful marriage and their own 41-year marriage, Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz know what makes marriage work. From their hundreds of interviews with happily married couples, representing 15,000 years of marriage, they’ve discovered the seven pervasive check more characteristics present in all successful marriages.
During their distinguished careers the Doctors have received some 60 local, state, and national awards; published nearly 300 articles and manuscripts; delivered over 1000 speeches, workshops and public presentations; traveled throughout the world; and appeared on radio and television and in zombie tsunami hack ios the print media. Dr. Charles Schmitz is Dean and Professor of Family and Counseling Therapy at the University of Missouri in St. Louis and Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz is President of Successful Marriage Reflections, LLC.

Parenting Teens 101 Tips For Successful Parenting

Parenting Teens 101: Tips for Successful Parenting

Is there a formula for perfect parenting? Not really. Is there one right way parents ought to raise their kids? Nope again!
Although there isn’t a widely approved method of parenting, there are steps parents can incorporate into everyday parenting practice to help their child grow with healthy self-esteem and confidence levels. These steps will also help teens develop good habits and a positive mindset. And the goal of course is to raise happy and successful kids.
Below are a few Do’s and Don’ts to help you create positive changes in your home. These tips may require a bit of extra effort (and patience) on your part until they become a habit for you. Once they become second nature, you’ll notice a happier household and a tighter-knit family that shows more respect for one another.
1. Push: Don’t push your kids into being something they’re not. Pushing leads to disputes and rebellion. The more you push in one direction the more they pull in the other direction. End result? No one is happy.
2. Relive your childhood through your child: Parents have best intentions for their kids and want to see their kids be happy and successful. With this intention it is easy to nudge kids into pursuing the activities that would have made parents happy when they were that age. Guide your kids into activities that appeal to them.
3. Criticize: It’s so easy to criticize what could have been improved. It’s easy to overlook the scored goal and rehash why the second one was missed. It’s easy to neglect the things they did right and badger them about the things they did wrong. Although the aim is to guide kids to excellence, these types of criticisms often lead to low self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of inadequacy that can stay around for a life time.
4. Threaten: Parenting is not about threatening kids into obedience. Threats only lead to obedience when a parent is watching. Rationalizing, setting the rules together, and open communication are far more effective.
5. Be a doormat: To gain respect from teens, parents must be fair but authoritative. Don’t go back on your word when it comes to consequences. Neither empty threats nor strict control lead to respect.
6. Make excuses: Don’t make excuses of why it is acceptable for you to do the very things you tell teens not to do. Hypocrisy is not respected and is despised. Be the person you want your teen to be.
7. Be Judgemental: With an adult mind, it is difficult for parents to understand the reasoning of their child and why they made the choices at hand. Don’t consider these choices to be life mistakes. Consider them to be lessons learned and lessons needed for the next stage in life.
1. Encourage: Frequently encourage your kids to be the best they can be. Speak to them with faith and teach them they’ll achieve everything with commitment and persistence. Your confidence will nourish theirs.
2. Inspire: Inspire kids with different activities so they can have many options to choose from when picking a direction in life. The more activities they are exposed to the more their imagination will be stimulated. The possibilities will be endless.
3. Praise first and suggest improvements later: Starting off on a positive note increases feelings of pride and adequacy. Show your pleasure first. After a few days follow up with suggested improvements on the weak spots. Let them bask in their glory first.
4. Listen and communicate: First listen and then communicate your ideas. Likewise, ask your teens to hear you out before they jump in. Communicate daily on the simple stuff to avoid confusion. An open door policy for all topics makes trivia crack hack cheats teen’s likely to ask for your opinion before they make their decisions.
5. Have patience: This is a tough one. With all other things that need to get done, teens have a click more details way visit here of testing parents’ patience. In any given day, if you choose to be patient with one thing only, choose to be patient with your kids. Your attitude will not be unappreciated or go unnoticed.
6. Offer choices: When parents offer choices, teens feel like they are less instructed on what to do and feel more freedom to make decisions hungry shark world hack on what will happen in their life. This step is a win-win. It allows parents to offer appropriate choices while giving teens control.
7. Express your love: Express it and show it every day. No one is ever too old to hear they are loved and cared for. All things grow in love and light. Make love and light your home atmosphere and watch everything grow in happiness and health.
Happy Parenting!

Top Tip For Successful Kindle Publishing

Top Tip For Successful Kindle Publishing

In order to be a top Kindle more details publisher you must be a top Kindle Marketer. Solid marketing is the only way to make money with any business. It holds true for Kindle Publishing as well. What do successful Kindle publisher do to rocket their books straight to the top of the charts at Amazon? I can tell you where they start.

At Kindle Facebook groups. That is where it begins. It is key to kicking off a successful book marketing campaign. My top tip describes the all important first www.moviestarplanethackcheatz.com/moviestarplanethack/ step.

Writers who buy a book on Kindle Marketing at places like Warriors Forum sometimes find themselves invited to a private Facebook group based on their purchase. And when they join they find a community of successful publishers already in place busy at work driving each others books straight to the top.

Simply, they make their publication at Amazon available to all group members for a short time for $0.99. Interested group members buy the book, review it, agree with some of the tags, and in return, the same thing is done for share this website them. The $0.99 purchase is seen by the system at Amazon as a sale, and that causes the book to rise higher in the Amazon sales rank. When enough good reviews and sales are noted the book also starts showing at the top of the search results page when someone does a search for books on the general topic. At that point the authors of the Facebook group raise the price back up to what they want to get for their book. It is the beauty of simplicity. It is brilliant.

There is another similar thing these marketers do to drive sales. They purchase gift cards for a few dollars above the cost of read more their book and send it to a best selling author at Amazon. After introducing themselves to the best selling writer they say they have bought his book and posted a review and ask him to do the same for them. Knowing the value of good marketing, the best selling author is often happy to agree. If so, his review of the group member’s book is put on the list of books shown to have been reviewed by the him. Because he has lots of readers who respect his opinion the group member’s book gets more traffic, more reviews, more rank, and more sales. This all works together for success.

If you want to crush it as a Kindle publisher, be a savvy Kindle Marketer. Join a Kindle Facebook group and get going. At the group you will get lots of other tried and true techniques for successful marketing.

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